Manual Labor In 110° Weather? Count Me In!

on Friday, August 21, 2009

Last weekend of summer. Granted, I am no longer in school, but many people I know have kids in school, so their drinking habits definitely take a hit. Not to worry, I'll just be depending on the under 30 crowd for a couple of months. Should be good. Friday is great, maybe a little under productive, but no biggie, I mean, we worked the "full" 4 days previous. I'm gonna cut out early today, head to the ranch. Weather forecast: high of 103°. Heat index of 107°. And what pray tell have I been conned into doing? Manual labor, really? I know I have already mentioned this, but c'mon, it's just now setting in, and this is gonna suck. Hard. And I am confident in my abilities, I mean, I can do some work, but is my pride really worth a heat stroke? Also, these guys can drink, it's part of the whole fun part of "family time", we all get shithoused. But, I have the sinking feeling, that people are actually expecting to work, which means a lack of consumption, which means, kinda lame. We'll see. And everyone is driving back home before Saturday night, another mark in the "no drinking" column. It's like I don't even know them. Then Sunday: draft day. Which is just another stepping stone on the way to football season. I'm feeling pretty confident about this year. Confident I'll be wasted that is. Ya, I said it. Alright, I'm tired. I have nothing to say. I thought my lack of productivity was only related to work, but apparently, it has spilled over to hobbies too. Another update to come later...


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