People annoy me. A lot. I don't mean they really annoy me, I mean that I am annoyed, on varying levels, a lot of the time. Stupidity, for example, is a large, contributing factor. Interrupting me, or others I am trying to listen too, quite annoying. Then there are the incompetent drivers. If I have a child, my driving profanity will have to be one of the things I work on the most. Might not even happen, who knows. Let's start with the geniuses we all run into on a daily basis.
The workplace. I have not exactly placed myself amid the Mensas of the world. When I started in hotels, most of my bosses had degrees from college. Some however, did not. But this is not the defining line between smart, and shall we say dumb as dirt. As a child, I have always listened to adults. They were generally smarter than me. Up until age 7 that is. While in Florida, everyone believed they were the end all be all. I was in a less than glamorous position, and these yahoos thought that made me illiterate. Wrong-o. This might have actually been where the whole "stupid people need to go" thing started. The systems and plans they had were mind numbingly backwards and redundant. There was no organization and no efficiency. It was beyond unbelievable. And as much as I would try and help and explain that there were better, simpler ways, no one would listen, for I was just "the help". Ok, back to the present, Florida always gets me off on a tangent. I work with a mo'. Now, for those who don't know my particular brand of speech, that would be a mo-ron. The instigator of this piece is a woman in my office. My examples will seem small and not that bothersome to you I am sure. But believe me, you wouldn't be able to stand her either. In the beginning, I didn't notice anything. She seemed nice. Then the stupid questions began. Then she started to talking to my boss like he was a child, pointing out his own property, like you would point a cow out to a baby. I think he knows its there, its his property! Another thing, she complains all the time!! On the phone, by the coffee, at lunch, in the car. All the time!! And its about her HOA, I get that the hoity toity can be a bit much, but you are one of them. So today, we are in the kitchen, cutting the birthday cake for someone, it was around 10 AM. I, like so many others, am working on not eating crap all day, starting with no cake and ice cream before lunch. All the guys now about my struggles, and tempt me none the less. I said the following " It just started, I'm trying here people, I'm trying to be good. It's already the 7th, and its already hard, so let me be good. I don't need to eat cake before lunch.You already make me eat Mexican twice a week, how am I supposed to lose weight?" Now, would most of you be able to infer that I've started a diet. I mean, yes I didn't say it exactly, but I am a girl in my 20's. Unless you're a size 2, aren't you always on a diet the first of the year(or "being healthy" for those who don't like the term "diet"). She turns to me with a blank face and asks "what have you started?"...
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