No Joke, I Met Someone Who Didn't Know What A Koozie Is.
Posted by CStans on Thursday, January 28, 2010"During this week change your profile picture to someone famous (actor, musician, athlete) you have been told you look like. Lets keep this fun this to your profile and see who does it!"
Ok. Personally, not big into the whole chain status thing, but if I was I would still skip this one. I say that because the girl's profile I found this on changed her pic to Giselle Bündchen. Give me a fucking break. I'm not saying this girl is unattractive, I'm just saying that who in there right mind would want to be compared to Giselle. The woman is a goddess. A) you don't look like her. B) if you think you do, get glasses. C) we all know you are just waiting for us to say "OMG you sooo do." Bite me.
And what if your friend looks like someone unattractive. They don't necessarily need to be unattractive, but you could see them as an unattractive cousin. Do you think said person is going to like this compliment. Probably not.
Or there are people like me who look like no one, so we get told we look like everyone. I take the compliment, say thank you, and go on with my life. But never do I think, "they were right. I do look like Julia Roberts". Because I don't.
Now, there are those friends who do look like attractive celebrities, and you are able to tell them so truthfully ( J-Money, you know who you are). I am not saying you should hold in such a compliment, but do make sure it is a compliment. It can be a dangerous topic of conversation.
And, If you feel strongly that I do in fact look like someone famous, I will not reprimand you for telling me. Just make sure it's not someone crappy.

P.S. You'll notice that Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Duvall, and Diane Lane made the top 10 lists. All three were in LD. All three were awesome in it.
Now, never say never, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that you will ever catch me running a marathon. So with that in mind, let's start small. When I run, I do about a two mile stretch. Sometimes less, sometimes even less. But two miles. So for the first goal, it'll be a 5k. Nothing too difficult. To apply pressure to the situation, the family has volunteered me to run next year, in one of the 3 events. The full marathon(good joke), the half marathon(keep dreaming), or the 5k (bingo). A promise is a promise, and if my uncle can run 26, I can run 3. Having a year to run a 5k seems simple, and it is. But I would like to be in good enough shape that I can run it, with family watching, and not hang my head in shame. So this is the year of 5k's I've decided. My brother and father run them, so I know I'll have company. There, my goal is set (match).
I feel like it was only yesterday that I was drunk in Austin for the first football game of the season. Alas, all good things must come to an end. And I say good to try and not sound bitterly upset that out perfect season ended with less than anticipated greatness. Honestly, it is a surreal feeling. I'm not that upset. I mean, I wish with all my heart it had turned out differently, but what can you do. If they had flat out beaten our full roster, maybe I would be more upset. But to me this is like James beating me in a race if my feet had been cut off. I think he's gonna win. I was hopeful the whole game. Comebacks are awesome, and that kid pulled out some impressive passes that he should be congratulated on. I wish for his sake this wasn't how his career had started. I know he's taken snaps, but now he will be remembered as the one who couldn't save us. He'll just have to do something awesome in the next three years to change our memories. Anyways Gilbert, give 'em hell, give 'em hell.
I'm going to try to keep this rant short, but I realize I'm off to a bad start when I call it a rant. I love college football, and I'm sad to see it go. It was a great couple of months. I'm also sad to see the sad state of fandom in this city. We are in Texas for god sake. I know all you Aggies are butt hurt from the sad state of your team, but c'mon, Bama? And I guess you LSU fans are slightly less in the wrong, SEC and all, but then again, why'd you go to LSU in the first place? All I ask on this holiest of holy days is that I have a group of Longhorns to watch the game with. I could go to Austin, but that's a bit of a drive. Per my post, I'm not very nice. I am also not a good sport. Texans, Astros, Rocktes, it all bums me out but I can handle it. UT makes me mean. I don't want to be hanging out with some people who don't care either way and have to deal with their shit talking. I'm not a good sport, I won't think it's funny. I'm nervous.
In this new year, I, along with many, have decided to be more active. I went running yesterday, even though it was cold as balls. I don't really have a goal, just to do it more. When I got home, James wanted me to play on our Wii. Now, I rarely play on this thing, so James tends to beat me. Which doesn't bother me, until he starts his shit talking. Little kids can be so annoying. Needless to say, I ended up whomping him. I'm not saying I got a work out in, it is just games, but some of them really do make you feel like you're doing something. I think I'll head home and play for a couple of hours. It's way too cold to go run outside. Isn't it spring already?