The Blogoshpere

on Thursday, January 14, 2010

It took me about 2 years to actually start my blog. I set up the site, I looked at the colors, but no writing happened. Then with the pressure from Linden, I decided that I could figure out something to write about. I have thoughts. When I started writing, it was more like a journal. I was writing to myself. Then it was more in email form. I wrote to my friends, trying to keep them connected as we scattered over the globe. I had a clear vision, drinking and the events it causes. But what if I don't drink. Ridiculous question, I'm aware. But really, I take a weekend off, and I feel as if my writing suffers. Then there is always the back up of football, I mean I could go off on some rants about football. But some people ain't into football. Some people actually dislike it. We call those people communists. Then there are the personal stories I find "pee your pants" hilarious. A lot of funny ass shit happens to each of us everyday, ok some days suck. But still, said in the right tone, people will even laugh at misfortune. But again, maybe that's just me. My mother says I get a sick/mean sense of humor from her. I think people just need to learn to laugh at themselves, but that's a whole other issue. So what should I write about everyday?

My favorite blogs don't have a  theme so much, and I guess that's what I'm going for.Let's discuss themes. I like my cousins' blogs about their babies. But I like them because they are my cousins' babies. Living in California means I see them like once a year, if that. I am in no way baby crazy, but I do love my family, and it would be sad to see them 3 times before the age of 5. Other peoples babies, eh. I mean ya, so they're cute, but I don't care. The diapers and the no sleep and the feeding and the crying. No. Thank. You.

Then there are the cooking blogs. I like cooking. I like eating. But for me, I use these blogs in a more one time usage. Very, wam, bam thank you m'am style. The recipes are good, the advice is good. But I always stumble across them when I already have an idea in mind, and google search sends me on my merry journey. In no way do I think cooking blogs are inferior. They are a vital part of my culinary attempts. And maybe one day I will find one that strikes my fancy. Let that be a challenge to you.

The travel blogs. Handy. Travel blogs are handy. Very useful. The hard thing with travel blogs, is you have everyone from your grandma, to your one night stand reading it. Sometimes content and grammar can be an issue. Still, handy.

But to me, the everyday blogs are the best. A bit of everything. But what blogs do we read?

Well, there are the family blogs. Then the friend blogs, the travel blogs, the bored at work blogs.The we find blogs, some by accident, some by suggestion. And we read them like we know them. We read them because if we stop, some how they will know and it will hurt there feelings. It truly is an addiction. 

So,I guess I have finished my novel for the day. It all started when I had nothing to write, so I thought, "Let's break down the reasons why." Not really, way too deep for me.


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