It is babysitting time in my world, and I am babysitting one crazy 6 month old. And at over 75lbs, one incredibly large 6 moth old. I would like to pretend for just a moment that at least one of you was fooled into thinking I was talking about a real child and not a great dane, but I doubt it. I went on a run, woo hoo (meaning I actually was able to keep a promise to myself). Now we will be eating dinner and watching crap TV because Momma can't stop us. Also, I just stopped him from eating a stick, who eats sticks?? I like to spoil my godson.

Thank you, Aunt Caitlin, for baby-great-dane-sitting!! Although, stop brainwashing my baby's mind with your crap TV!! He and YOU are better than that!
6 months old and weighing 75 lbs!?!?!?!? whaaaaaaaaat??? that's insanity. But great danes are amazing!
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