College Football, Your Day Has Come

on Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm going to try to keep this rant short, but I realize I'm off to a bad start when I call it a rant. I love college football, and I'm sad to see it go. It was a great couple of months. I'm also sad to see the sad state of fandom in this city. We are in Texas for god sake. I know all you Aggies are butt hurt from the sad state of your team, but c'mon, Bama? And I guess you LSU fans are slightly less in the wrong, SEC and all, but then again, why'd you go to LSU in the first place? All I ask on this holiest of holy days is that I have a group of Longhorns to watch the game with. I could go to Austin, but that's a bit of a drive. Per my post, I'm not very nice. I am also not a good sport. Texans, Astros, Rocktes, it all bums me out but I can handle it. UT makes me mean. I don't want to be hanging out with some people who don't care either way and have to deal with their shit talking. I'm not a good sport, I won't think it's funny. I'm nervous.



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