Celebrating Is Hard On The System

on Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The past week has been quite a doozie. There is nothing quite like having a friend force you into over indulgence because they have some thing going on. Be it leaving me, Kate, or coming back to remind me you already left me, G.Mc., there is no way to say no. I even had an engagement party to attend in the middle of all this.

So my weekend started Wednesday, a la college style. Honestly, if this weekend had happened 2 years ago, it might not have even made a blip, but man am I out of practice for the marathons. Started with margaritas, seemed safe enough, but never trust the $1 margaritas, something is always wrong. The plan was to go have a couple brews at my local watering hole, but somehow we got swept up in another awkward and forced CLC reunion. That is until I got absolutely hammered and decided that these people were my actual friends, not just people I passed in the hall for 4 years. But not only was high school discussed, but middle school, because the memories from high school just weren't embarrassing enough. Somehow, Kate in all her infinite wisdom managed to get me to chauffeur her over to Taco C for one last terrible decision (the next morning I got a text informing me that her car is covered in queso, hilarious because it wasn't my fault). We were interrupted my her dear mother, who was then informed by Kate that she was ruining "our moment". Whoa Nelly, not sure what that means. Since the moment was over, I went home, to awaken mere hours later with one of those headaches that makes you stop caring about absolutely anything except how to stop the headache. Great way to go to work on a busy Thursday, so professional.

Without being fully recovered, mentally or physically, a visitor from the north arrived and the revelry continued. Which brings us to bowling. I had the best and worst games of my life. I mean just embarrassingly terrible first game. I played better as we kept going, but I'm not sure i was able to erase the memories of the other players. Terrible. Woke up ready to eat the glory the is a Classic breakfast. Stuffed. Little Woodrow's for day drinking. Random bars for Sunday Funday. It really was just too much. I took Monday off to recover, and yet am still just too tired to work.

I ended the drink fest at Kate's with wine. I can see how that could be confusing because this blog is half about how Kate left me so how could I be at her place. Well The Bachelor was one, and I think I've made i clear that this crap TV show is just entertaining enough to make me watch it if I'm bribed with wine. Donna, the mother, and I watched our weekly dose of b.s. TV. Our routines not going to change just because Kate left, ludicrous, but next week my Momma is coming with me, so the cycle will continue.


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