The Milkman's Baby

on Thursday, February 25, 2010

I come from a family of skinny people. I don't mean thin people or people who have to work at it, I mean bony, skinny people who are annoying. In my extended family, there are normal people. Some thin, some athletic, and some who could stand to lose a couple of pounds. But in this whole, monstrous family, I came from the two freaks. My mother, at 5'10" is on the tall side. She was a runner in high school and weighed about 120lbs until the greatest thing in her entire life happened: me, obviously. Then there is the Daddy. He is all of 5'9", weighing in around a whopping 150lbs, skinny bastard. Nathan, the 22 year old brother waited until college to weigh over 130. He is 5'11" and couldn't gain a pound over 125 until the age of 18. More than frustrating. The boy was on a special high calorie diet. He had to drink chocolate milk for the extra fat. And as far as James goes, we'll just have to see. He's 11, but he is on track to be the tallest. He worries about getting fat, because then what will happen to his six pack. Really? Then he comments about how fat he is. I hate him. I tell him I was skinnier than he was at his age, and he just laughs and laughs. I am by no means fat, but I am not a skinny freak either. At 5'8", I am a shorty. Even though my dad is only a little over an inch taller, he's seems much bigger, because well he's my dad. I am different. And you would think, that as strong as these skinny genes are, I would not have to work so hard. I was the athlete in the family. They all were runners, but I was the swimmer. I am normal. They are not. I did every sport there was to do in middle school. I took all the classes, camps and training my dad, grandma, mom would sign me up for. I ate as much as  I could, or I would fall over. It was great. You see the difference between myself and the men in my life is they don't LOVE food. I love food. SO being in sports was awesome. Waking up every morning to 2 hours of swimming was a great way to not gain weight. Hear I am, 6 years later, missing the grueling workouts that were the bane of my existence. 

But the differences don't stop at body type. They are all brunettes. Granted, I'm no longer a blond, but I was for a longer time than any of them. Then we can move onto the intelligence. Both of my parents are chemical engineers. My brother is now an electrical engineer. James will now doubt be able to take things apart with the greatest of ease. What was my practical sciency major? History. Yes, a liberal arts major. And no, I do not teach. Something about a lack of patience. And the kicker, my family is painfully shy. My parents have learned to be better with age. Now it still takes time to see them as outgoing people, but they can come off a little harsh because they are shy. As far as Nathan is concerned, people don't even know he exists because he is never around, avoiding social engagements like the plague. His voice was unheard for years it seemed. They say a talkative older sibling makes it harder on kids. I just think what I had to say was more interesting, that theory can't possibly be right. James on the other hand is a mix. He can be shy, but once he's comfortable, he gets way to comfortable. Like whoa buddy. Except for the fact that I have the exact same face as my mother and share a hereditary ear anomaly with my father, I would swear I was adopted.


Anne Smith said...

you're family is full of skinny-minnies. I think your dad must still be wearing the same size as in high school! As far as belonging to the family, I don't have an ounce of doubt because I have never met two people who can remember random facts like you and your dad. I swear you both are like walking encyclopedias.

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