I have a lot of half-blogs running through my head, so I will join them to create one giant monster blog. Well, we'll see, maybe it won't be "giant".
Thoughts from Tuesday's possible blog. The Bachelor is crap. I watch it, but it is crap. One of the reasons to indulge is the next day chit chatting that ensues. I always find it fun to rehash and bitch about the previous episode. But c'mon Jake, Vienna? Really? Super gross.
The weather. I know that rainy weather makes us thankful for warm, sunny days. I don't care. I hate it. One or the other, weather gods, one or the other. Nice, sunny, bright, cold as fuck days, totally doable. Warm thunderstorms that make 2pm look like 8pm, cozy. Sleet, the bane of my existence. I have only been running for a month now, and half the time, it has been crap crap crap. I think god just likes me out of shape. That must be what it is. Some of you I'm sure are saying, just go to a gym. Well a gym costs money my friends, money I don't have.
The weekend. My brother and father are heading up to New England to ski with the cousins. I have never skied in the east, only in west, and was quite displeased when I found out like 2 days ago I wasn't included in this trip. The purse strings are tightening. I of course am referring to my mother.
But with them gone, that means the house will be half empty, sweet. As I am writing this, I am realizing that maybe I haven't made it perfectly clear that I live "at home". I'm sure you could figure it out, but maybe I haven't stated it. It is not something that defines me, I just happen to find it more appealing than working in hell (read Boca). Moving on. Momma has proposed a movie night to the women of Timber Cove, so we'll see what happens, and if I decide to go.
Almost lastly, Julie I am jealous of your Mardi Gras, truly. As far as cameras go. One of ours was actually dropped into a glass of water, basically placed there by the owner. Very nice. But cameras are needed, or else your whole trip will be lost. The likelihood of you remembering the night 12-15 hours in is doubtful. At least it was for us. Think, "The Hangover" camera montage.
Lastly, how is "a lot", not one word. Stupid. Oh, and people using their instead of they're. I'm channeling Ross at the moment. Red Ross.
i ended up here a few hours ago and now i can't remember why or how you came to be there - perhaps life on a hanger?
all i can think of is - i don't watch the bachelor but feel that the soup updates us enough that i can relate and also include in the bitch sessions
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