Austin, it beats the hell out of me every time. It has only been a year since graduation, and yet, my ability to drink all day and into the night has diminished atrociously. It's embarrassing really. Headed up to Austin on Thursday night, chatted with the cousin for a bit, then shot up to Round Rock for some Jordan time. Watched Something's Gotta Give, love that movie. Jordan made stew, twas good. Talked until way to late, then passed out.
I woke up in the morning and tried to prep for the days festivities. Got some breakfast tacos, because why not. Waited for Blayne. Met Blayne and Eric, and since we were by Doc's, why not stop and have a few pitchers. Btw, Doc's fried mushrooms, awesome, just saying. Started the trek to Zilker. Half way there, stopped to use the restroom at Taco C, got a beer while I waited. Kept walking, stopped at a free Shiner stand. Got beer, koozies, kept walking. No wonder it took us forever, beer was every where. Got to the festival. Beautiful day, grass was still in tact. Music, music, music. Then walked the 2 miles to the car. End of Day 1.
Day 2, rain, rain, rain. Woke up, decided I would get a late start. Michael and I waited it out. By 4, it wasn't happening. I just couldn't justify 2 hours of walking for 1 show, in the rain, I'm just not that dedicated. Watched TV and Movies all day. Red wine and beer at the house, not too shabby. Chalk it up as a win.

Day 3. Obviously, had to make the trip worth it, so day 3 was happening. Michael and I headed that way after noon sometime. Trekked, again, about 2 miles to Zilker, not a fan of walking apparently. Started drinking, met up with friends, slowly got a group together. Ran into the Foleys for a bit. Danced my ass off to Girl Talk, in about 3 inches of standing mud water. Did I mention the mud?? Had to walk around barefoot all day. Quite impressive, I mean, it was a lot of mud. Got a free cone from Hudson's, delicious. Mud, mud, mud. All the way up my legs, not sure how I wasn't totally covered, or how I managed not to fall, but I made it. Started the 2 mile hike UP the hill. Made it home, showered, thank god. Then decided there was no way I was driving home, I would have passed out somewhere on I-10, not good.Proceeded to pass out in a bed instead.
Woke up, made the drive straight to work the next morning. Work was hard, I mean, I just can't do these all day, 4 day weekends. I was beat. Managed to make it through. Went home for dinner, thanks Momma, it was delicious. Met up with Kate for red wine and movies. All in all, a good weekend.
But seriously, I want a nap.
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