Suck On That Oklahoma

on Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another weekend well spent. Football games were won, drinks were had, and Texas was able to prove its superiority once again.
Friday started in the car, or should I say sweet ass van. Picked up the girls and the dog, and headed up that long ass road to Dallas. We showed up sometime around 5:00 and started making our way to the Goose for the world's strongest margaritas. Delicious. I managed to not get too hammered, unlike some people. Let's just say, my night didn't end at 10:30. Made it to uptown for the second round of strong ass drinks. Not sure what exactly was going on, but some body upstairs decided I wasn't going to remember the evening. Good thing for pictures, or that night would be gone completely. Taxi ride home, no Blayne, we did not go to Ft. Worth, despite your screams to the contrary. Got home, managed to get up the stairs, only to find "a couple of skanks" in my bed. Made a slight scene, if for no other purpose than to disrupt them slightly. Proceeded to let Joe in on the atrocities being committed, and passed out on the couch while watching Jurassic Park. That part was actually pretty sweet.

Woke up for football. Saturday was sober for me, and in the spirit of this blog, uneventful. Had a great time at the fair, got my corny dog and all. Tried to make sure all my people made it around safely. Almost killed myself by trusting the carnies and there movable rides. Hey bozo. Texas win was good though. Well that's not true, the win was all well and good, but the game was just sloppy. Thank goodness they were just as sloppy. Man I hate Oklahoma. Greenville for the night. Nice. Made it home, made a sandwich, thank you Laura. Then proceeded to kick before mentioned skanks from before mentioned bed. Caitlin victorious.

Woke up around 5:00 for the alarm. Not mine mind you. No, this was for the girl who had to work that day. I knew she had a flight, so for an hour I was yelling at her to wake up. at 6:00 I reminded her for the last time, that the reason the alarm was going off was for her. She seemed shocked it was so late. So at 7:00, I was shocked to find her shocked that she had overslept. She made her flight, but whatever, I tried.

Watched football all day. Was pleased with a Houston win. Lost at fantasy, but a real one by a team is slightly more important than my own imaginary one. And, Peyton was out, so what did I really expect.

Now my week is consisting of dog sitting and work. Pretty eventful. Now if I could only find time to make costumes, who knew Halloween was a week away?!?!

It's Tuesday And I'm Sick

on Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For those of you not in the know, God has blessed me with one hell of an immune system. Or, what was one hell of an immune system. I never got sick, ever. People would get hit with the flu and be out for a week. I could live with them, and all I would get is a scratchy throat one morning. It was great. People are always sooo careful this time of year, never bothered me.

That was until of course, I started abusing m
y body with alcohol. Who knew. My body held up the first couple of years of college. Actually it held up until the last semester of college. My roommates would go to the doctors, be on medication, not and drink. It all seemed odd to me. I mean, just drink more water, maybe some vitamins, how serious could it be? Then I got a scratchy throat, that lasted all the way into the afternoon, and I thought, well that's odd. I took this as evidence that I was of course dying, so off to the pharmacy I went. Grabbed some Nyquil, Emergen-C, and believed myself cured. It worked pretty well actually. I never actually got that sick, made it to work, and school. The cough stayed in the throat, no fever, excellent. So, I kept up my regiment of vitamin C, just to make sure. One glass a day. Which leads me to the point of this story. One evening, I realized I hadn't made my drink for the day. This was around 8:00 at night. I was already in the process of making my 70-30 V&T. I really didn't want to just chug a glass of water and powder. Light bulb! Why not put the Emegen-c into the vodka tonic, kill two birds with one stone. I'll tell you why not, it gets you fucked up. I mean really. The berry flavor masks the vodka, so you end up making a really strong drink. And the fizz makes it even worse. It was awesome. Next night, we did the experiment on Linden. It was her turn to stumble to bed that night. Did I mention this was a Tuesday and Wednesday? And we couldn't even walk to our beds. Ahh college.

Right now, I am sitting at my desk, with cough drops, Dayquil, and Emergen-C. I have a big weekend planned, and I refuse, refuse, to be sick. Not gonna do it.

In honor of Linden's "Cocktail of the Month", I would like to introduce ya'll to the C.V.T. (Vitamin C Vodka Tonic, but you should have been able to figure that out on your own.)

Fill glass (or large Rudy's cu
p), halfway with ice
Fill with Vodka until ice is submerged

Top off with Tonic
Add One Packet Emergen-C

Ta-da! Enjoy!

Cedric, You're Not So Bad Yourself

on Monday, October 12, 2009

I have previously thanked my QB, Mr. Manning, but feel its necessary to thank, another player, who has come from behind, at least in public opinion, and made a real difference on my team. Cedric Benson was an odd choice some thought. He wasn't supposed to be anything special, and yet, he has consistently brought me points, well beyond what was expected of him. So this is my thank you, and my request, to keep up the good work.

Beer, Football, Margaritas, More Football, More Beer

Ya know the feeling on Monday mornings, when it feels like the weekend never even happened. I'm there right now. Haven't been to work in 2 days, but it doesn't feel like it. Nope. And I know I had a good time this weekend, used my time wisely and all, but it's definitely a haze. Friday, was supposed to be chill. Went to Boondoggle's early, for dinner and drinks. Which of course, turned into more drinks and less food. An eclectic group of friends for sure, but all in all, a great time. That was until, we headed to good 'ol Webster. Nothing like getting kicked out of a bar for harassing the DJ. Apparently or song requests were misconstrued as threats and verbally abusive. I, of course, disagreed. None the less, we were escorted out at 1:45. Really put a damper on our evening. A whole 15 minutes. Wow. Made it home safely, and I assume went straight to bed, but at this point, the night got fuzzy.

I woke up the next morning, it was due to my mother's request that I try and make my room look less like a 13 year old's, and more like the 24 year old I am. Apparently, being messy is something she thinks you grow out of. I am proof, that it is not. I managed to roll out of bed and started the process of curing myself. Headaches and dehydration. I knew I was in for a day of drinking, so I had to start off on the right foot. As I was getting ready, my Dad asked how good my memory was. I was confused at first. Until he explained that he wondered how long it would take before I forgot how bad I felt when I woke up, and therefore started drinking again. Zinger. Apparently, he finds powering through to be funny. In answer to his question, about 3 hours. Ended up with $1 margaritas. And between the 3 of us, ended up with a $16 tab. The waiter kept cutting us off. He would inform us that we had already had so many margaritas, and our answer was always,"Uno mas!". So after we had our fill of tequila, it was time to switch to beer. We of course had to make a stop for the two babies with heart burn. Tums, they're like candy. Went to Molly's, not exactly my scene, but whatever, they had a lot of screens showing the various games, so it served its purpose. Convinced Kate that the night was nowhere near over, and proceeded to get stupid drunk. Found a ride to a friends, where we started playing catch in the street. I had no glove, so I was the loser. But some might argue that Kate was the loser, due to how many times she fell down. I also think Kate will never throw another foam finger out of a moving car window. Immediate regret. Apparently, when people have foam fingers in their car, they value them more than you would think, or at least more than Kate would think. She honestly couldn't understand why Adam was so upset. Oh well. Passed out on the couch, the short one, thanks a lot Chet.

Woke up, made it to the car. Which we had park
ed safely in the bar's parking lot. We arrive at said parking lot, only to find the car chained it. Seeing as it was I who parked the car, I was about to be in slight trouble, because it was in fact, Kate's car. But, no worries, the chain wasn't locked, so it was quickly removed, and we were free. As we debated where to eat, one voice kept saying "Hooters, hooters", over and over. That voice was of course Chet, and so we gave in And arrived at the place, just in time to join the most obnoxious people, ever. Had a couple of beers, and a few too many wings, and I couldn't take it anymore. I can't explain it, but these grown men were making this horrible sound, over, and over, and over. We of course, proceeded to make our own comments, directed to the idiots, not the screen. Before I met these guys, I was hoping for Dallas to win, I mean, why not, I have a lot of Cowboy fans as friends. But once again, I give Dallas a break, and I am instantly reminded why I can't root for them. Total tool. I'm just thankful we left before OT was over, or I really would have tried to remove my own ears. There are no words.

So ya, that was another weekend for the books. I don't believe I was ever fully sober. And I'm gonna go ahead and put that in the W column.

Also, I won my fantasy football game, so it ended on a high note. Wasn't about to let the trashy bikers at hooters be the way I ended my weekend.

Austin City Limits or Another Weekend Proving I'm Not As Young As I Used To Be

on Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Austin, it beats the hell out of me every time. It has only been a year since graduation, and yet, my ability to drink all day and into the night has diminished atrociously. It's embarrassing really. Headed up to Austin on Thursday night, chatted with the cousin for a bit, then shot up to Round Rock for some Jordan time. Watched Something's Gotta Give, love that movie. Jordan made stew, twas good. Talked until way to late, then passed out.

I woke up in the morning and tried to prep for the days festivities. Got some breakfast tacos, because why not. Waited for Blayne. Met Blayne and Eric, and since we were by Doc's, why not stop and have a few pitchers. Btw, Doc's fried mushrooms, awesome, just saying. Started the trek to Zilker. Half way there, stopped to use the restroom at Taco C, got a beer while I waited. Kept walking, stopped at a free Shiner stand. Got beer, koozies, kept walking. No wonder it took us forever, beer was every where. Got to the festival. Beautiful day, grass was still in tact. Music, music, music. Then walked the 2 miles to the car. End of Day 1.

Day 2, rain, rain, rain. Woke up, decided I would get a late start. Michael and I waited it out. By 4, it wasn't happening. I just couldn't justify 2 hours of walking for 1 show, in the rain, I'm just not that dedicated. Watched TV and Movies all day. Red wine and beer at the house, not too shabby. Chalk it up as a win.

Day 3. Obviously, had to make the trip worth it, so day 3 was happening. Michael and I headed that way after noon sometime. Trekked, again, about 2 miles to Zilker, not a fan of walking apparently. Started drinking, met up with friends, slowly got a group together. Ran into the Foleys for a bit. Danced my ass off to Girl Talk, in about 3 inches of standing mud water. Did I mention the mud?? Had to walk around barefoot all day. Quite impressive, I mean, it was a lot of mud. Got a free cone from Hudson's, delicious. Mud, mud, mud. All the way up my legs, not sure how I wasn't totally covered, or how I managed not to fall, but I made it. Started the 2 mile hike UP the hill. Made it home, showered, thank god. Then decided there was no way I was driving home, I would have passed out somewhere on I-10, not good.Proceeded to pass out in a bed instead.

Woke up, made the drive straight to work the next morning. Work was hard, I mean, I just can't do these all day, 4 day weekends. I was beat. Managed to make it through. Went home for dinner, thanks Momma, it was delicious. Met up with Kate for red wine and movies. All in all, a good weekend.

But seriously, I want a nap.