Friday started in the car, or should I say sweet ass van. Picked up the girls and the dog, and headed up that long ass road to Dallas. We showed up sometime around 5:00 and started making our way to the Goose for the world's strongest margaritas. Delicious. I managed to not get too hammered, unlike some people. Let's just say, my night didn't end at 10:30. Made it to uptown for the second round of strong ass drinks. Not sure what exactly was going on, but some body upstairs decided I wasn't going to remember the evening. Good thing for pictures, or that night would be gone completely. Taxi ride home, no Blayne, we did not go to Ft. Worth, despite your screams to the contrary. Got home, managed to get up the stairs, only to find "a couple of skanks" in my bed. Made a slight scene, if for no other purpose than to disrupt them slightly. Proceeded to let Joe in on the atrocities being committed, and passed out on the couch while watching Jurassic Park. That part was actually pretty sweet.
Woke up for football. Saturday was sober for me, and in the spirit of this blog, uneventful. Had a great time at the fair, got my corny dog and all. Tried to make sure all my people made it around safely. Almost killed myself by trusting the carnies and there movable rides. Hey bozo. Texas win was good though. Well that's not true, the win was all well and good, but the game was just sloppy. Thank goodness they were just as sloppy. Man I hate Oklahoma. Greenville for the night. Nice. Made it home, made a sandwich, thank you Laura. Then proceeded to kick before mentioned skanks from before mentioned bed. Caitlin victorious.
Woke up around 5:00 for the alarm. Not mine mind you. No, this was for the girl who had to work that day. I knew she had a flight, so for an hour I was yelling at her to wake up. at 6:00 I reminded her for the last time, that the reason the alarm was going off was for her. She seemed shocked it was so late. So at 7:00, I was

Watched football all day. Was pleased with a Houston win. Lost at fantasy, but a real one by a team is slightly more important than my own imaginary one. And, Peyton was out, so what did I really expect.
Now my week is consisting of dog sitting and work. Pretty eventful. Now if I could only find time to make costumes, who knew Halloween was a week away?!?!