Step 1: Set Goal. Step 2: Fail That Goal.

on Thursday, August 13, 2009

For those of you who are unaware, I have no self discipline. I mean none. Not when it comes to food, drinking, television, computer games, movies, surfing the web, calling people I know I shouldn't. I mean really, you would think I was 4. I tell myself, "That was the last time", "This is the last time", and, "OK, one more time". My goal this week, no drinking during the week. Seemed easy enough. Guess what??? Nope.

That's right. Guess how long I made it? If you count Sunday, I made it one day. If you start the weeknights on Monday night, I made it till about 7:30 p.m. You would think I had a problem, when really, it wasn't my fault. I know that's what all people say but c'mon, sometimes its the truth. When your mom and her friend invite you out to a wine bar, it would be rude not to go, right? It's hard for me to draw the line between social politeness and making excuses. But ya know what, that's the glorious part, I can just tell my self it would be rude.

Except that I went out again last night. Again, I was invited and I felt needed, so I went. Margaritas as my appetizer, beer as my entree. Classy, I know. I skipped desert, didn't want to be unhealthy. You know me, always thinking about my health, "you are what you eat" and all.

To summarize: 3 nights, 1 successful. All in all, that's a good 33% success rate. And if I don't drink tonight, that's 50%, and that really shows improvement. But question, does Thursday count as a weeknight? I mean, you only have one more day of work left, and in college, the weekends started Wednesday night, so theoretically, as a young post grad, it might have only moved back one night. Interesting. (This would be an example of my no self control rationalizing, in case you were curios.)


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