Suck It School Zone

on Thursday, August 27, 2009

I work about 20 yards from a school zone. Yesterday, I left early, was confused by the people who appeared to be coasting, then saw the "leaving a school zone sign". Stupid. Wasn't caught thank god. Did the same thing this morning, but realized while still in it, so I wasn't "that car" again. This switch from summer is gonna be harder than anticipated. I have an hour and a half till lunch, which is lame because I skipped breakfast. Dentist appointment. I like my dentist, and I never have really minded going. But, that grinding on the teeth, cleaning situation, I could do with out. Ugh, makes the spine tingle thinking about it. But it's over, so bring on the sugar and coffee!

Back to the work place. I am used to being the minority in my political beliefs. Growing up in Texas, you get used to people assuming you agree with them. My momma always told me just to keep my mouth shut. Don't argue, you can't convince them and it'll just cause rifts. So at work, when I go out to lunch with 6 middle aged men, who all believe our current President is not "their" president, I just eat and keep quiet. I mean, what's a little 23 year old girl to do? Snap, apparently. I can handle the jokes about the economy, or the commentary on health care, but is it really necessary to make jokes about Ted Kennedy. I mean the man JUST died. RIP I say.

Alright, well I believe that fulfilled my somber entry requirement. For those who want to be lifted back up, I recommend the following song.


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