On Thanksgiving Day, All Over America, Families Sit Down To Dinner At The Same Moment - Halftime.
Posted by CStans on Wednesday, November 25, 2009I know I talk about Lonesome Dove more than necessary, but if I can convince just one person how great it is, it'll be worth it. For those who are more into reading, the book is great, obviously. It's slow in the beginning, but necessary to form the characters. So if you ever attempt, just try and get through the beginning. The mini series is so well down however, that it substitutes for the book if need be. Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones are fan freaking tastic. I mean really, couldn't have been better cast. I was going to fill this page with quotes, but they just aren't the same out of context, or for those who don't really know the plot. I think I'm gonna watch it again this week or next, probably both since its 6 hours long. Summary: watch it or read it.
As you can tell, I have figured Html out somewhat, due to the addition of a third column. I am not a fan of lopsided things, and this layout had a huge black blank section. Must be fixed. But then I was left with what to fill said blank spot with. Beautiful people. Immediately I knew. I have created a list, of what I believe are my top 10 lists. Now, the list is 20 people long, which fills the left side completely, so you will find that I continued it in the right hand column. They appear in order, ladies first, of course.
Everyday, my boss takes the office out to lunch. It's a nice way to talk to my coworkers, about real estate, or the day to day, since we all sit at our separate desks, and have no idea what is going on around the building. Every once in a while however, I have conflicting lunch plans. Yesterday for example, was Kay Ann's birthday lunch. For those of you who don't know, we drink at birthday lunches. This was lunch at a house, so we didn't get the usual mango margaritas, but we did have an assortment of wine.
I started this post before I went to lunch, but got busy and couldn't finish it. I was going to throw out the question of drinking during lunch. See what people thought, but seeing as how the lunch already occurred, and I'm sure you all know what conclusion I came to on my own, this survey is moot. None the less, happy birthday Kay Ann, I had fun.
I love the fall for many reasons, but football has to be one of the big ones. For 5 months, you never have to wonder what you'll be doing that weekend. Saturdays, great. Sundays, even better. College football, speaks to my heart. I love it, love it. I can wake up on Saturday, and besides the drive time between bars, and not stopping watching for hours on end. Granted, part of this has to do with the Longhorns being back on top. Those in between years were hard, no doubt, but we never lost hope. It also helps that for the last 4 seasons, I have been eligible to drink in public. Being 21 never gets old. Like turning 16, it changed your life, for the better, and you never take it for granted.
Then there are Sundays, hangovers and all. I generally find myself glued to the couch on Sundays, water in one hand, Aleve in the other. It is frustrating however, to have to wait for the noon game. I manage to always wake up hours before, and sit and watch highlights from yesterday. Which is fairly pointless, because I watched it all in real time. This is generally when I catch up on golf, I don't know why, but I have watched more golf this year. I actually know a little bit now. Weird.
All in all it was a good weekend for football. Granted, the Texans lost, and that was upsetting. K Brown and his clutch kicks, not so much this week. Poor Guy. Cowboys win, which affects me in no way. I used to think that Cowboy's wins were a detriment because I had to listen to the fans all week whoop and holler about the greatness that is "that team from up North", but now, I'm not so sure. When they lose, they cry more than anyone. But not only do they cry, they bitch about their team. Makes my insults a little less affective. So basically, its a lose lose, so well done. Horned frogs comin' up, which I would generally say is a good thing, minus the fact that previous supporters of UT or hoping for a defeat. But again, I am not worried. We will prevail.
Hook 'Em Horns!!!
Made it into town for game watching festivities. Nothing like watching UT stomp someone, but the fact that it was our "toughest" opponent, def made it sweeter. We went and got into costume. My ability to make Nascar suits is actually pretty impressive if I do say so myself. At this point, I was ready to be drunk, just not quite there yet. Made it to the bar, and proceeded to forget large chunks of the night. I know there was Vodka, and I know that I stayed out until 3:00, thank you day light savings. Got back to the cousins, I'm assuming, because I woke up about 10 hours later in the extra bed.
Phone died. Sweet deal. Noticed that I was now number one in the college football league, way to go me. Started to mentally prep for Sunday football. Got Linden, made it to the bar. It was around this point that I realized I was still drunk, so that's good. Couple of buckets of beer, and I was on my way to another black out night. Smart for me, I stopped around 3:00, when I reached an appropriate b
They conned me into watching a scary movie, anxiety levels were high to say the least. And at some point after 9:00, I made the trek home. It was one of those weekends that was more about who you're with than what you're doing or where. Great time all around, no drama, just drunk drunk drunk.